
Important Ancient Literature of Europe

Lamia by Dibbendu Dwip

Classical literature is thought to begin with Homer in the 8th century BC, and it might continue until the the Roman Empire declines in the 5th century AD. Although ancient classic literatures are believed to be Greek from the 3rd century BC, that literature was joined by Latin literature. The followings are some very important ancient literature written in BC based in Europe.

The iliad by Homer









1. Iliad (Epic, 760-710 BC) by Homer

Oedipus the King by Sofoklis









2. Oidipas the King (Play, 429 BC ) by Sofoklis (406 BC)

Media by Euripedes









3. Media (Play, 431BC) by Euripedes (480 BC − 406 BC)

prometheus Bound by Aeschylus









4. Promithius Bound (Play, 430 BC) by Aeschylus (525/524-456/455 BC)

The Aenid by Vergil








5. Aeneid (Epic, 19 BC) by Vergil (70 BC- 19 BC)

Clouds by Aristophanes









6. The Clouds (Play, 423BC) by Aristophanes (444 BC- 385 BC)

Suggested by: Dibbendu Dwip