অভিজিৎ রায় খুনের পর তার স্ত্রী বন্যা আহমেদের বিবিসিকে দেওয়া প্রথম বক্তব্য

I truly appreciate the outpouring of support I have received from Bangladeshi and international communities. As we work towards justice, I encourage everyone to share my first formal statement to BBC and Center for Inquiry :

My husband, Avijit Roy, wrote about science and rationalism and critiqued religious fundamentalism. Because of this, he was murdered. On February 26, 2015, he and I were attacked in a crowded area on the Dhaka University campus. Avijit was hacked to death by a machete; I survived. As his wife, fellow writer, and a freethinker, I strongly condemn this gruesome act of terror.

The Dhaka University campus has historically been a space for progressive movements. It is also where Avijit grew up. Despite the death threat, we could not fathom that such a heinous crime could take place in such an area—a crime not only against a person, but against freedom of speech and humanity. While Avijit and I were being ruthlessly attacked, the local police stood close by and did not act. Now, we demand that the Bangladeshi government do everything in its power to bring the murderers to justice.

I do not believe that simply catching the killers will be enough. I urge the government to address terrorism and stop a legal culture of impunity, where writers can be killed without the killers being brought to trial. I urge the world to recognize what has happened and join us in this demand for justice.
