ইংরেজি বানান সতর্কতা থেকে যে শব্দগুলো চাকরি এবং ভর্তি পরীক্ষায় আসে

বানান সতর্কতা: বানান সতর্কতা থেকে প্রশ্ন পরীক্ষায় আসেই আসে। এক্ষেত্রে কিছু শব্দ রয়েছে যে বানানগুলো সচারচর ভুল হয়, সেগুলোই পরীক্ষায় আসে। নিচের শব্দগুলো মুখস্থ করলে বানান বিষয়ে প্রশ্ন আসলে পারা যাবে। বিভিন্ন প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষা হতে শব্দগুলো সংকলন করা হয়েছে। এর মধ্য থেকেই পরীক্ষায় আসবে বলে ধরে নেওয়া যায়।
বানান মনে রাখতে হয় যে অংশটুকুর উচ্চারণ ব্যতিক্রম সেটুকু চর্চা করে। যেমন, accommodation বানানটি: একটি m এবং একটি c হলেও উচ্চারণে সমস্যা হয় না, কিন্তু দুটো m এবং দুটো c রয়েছে শব্দটিতে। এজন্য দুটো m এবং দুটো c বিশেষভাবে মনে রাখতে হবে।

abortive, absence, accelerate, acceptable, access, accessible, accommodation, accomplish, achievement, acquaintance, acquire, address, adulteration, advertisement, amateur, apartment, appearance, appropriate, approval, arbitrariness, argument, ascertain, assignment, athletic, attendance, auspicious, authoritative;

basically, beginning, belief, believe, beneficial, bizarre, business;

calendar, campaign, canine, catalyst, category, cemetery, challenge, characteristic, cigarette, clothes, colonel, collateral, column, commemorate, committee, commission, commitment, completely, concession, concision, conscientious, conscious, contaminate, constellation, controversy, convenient, correspondence, credential, criticism;

deceive, definitely, definition, demurrage, department, describe, desiccate, despair, desperate, development, dearth, diarrhea/diarrhoea, difference, difficult, dilemma, disappointed, discipline, disease, descending, dissonance, drought, dumbbell, dyeing;

effect, eighth, elephantiasis, elementary, embarrass, emigration, encouragement, enemy, emphasize, enthusiastic, entirely, environment, equilibrium, erroneously, especially, exaggerate, exaggeration, excellent, excess, excessive, exemplary, existence, expedient, experience, experiment, extension;

familiar, fallacious, february, feedback, finally, financial, foreign, foreigner, forgetful, formerly, forty, fourth, frequency;

general, generally, genius, glorious, government, grammar, grateful, guarantee, guidance;

happily, harmonious, height, heroes, heterogeneous, hideous, hindrance, homogeneous, humorous, hypocrite;

ideally, illegitimate, imaginary, immediate, immediately, immigration, inconspicuously, incredible, independent, indigenous, influential, inoculate, insurance, intelligent, intention, interference, irresistible, island, itinerary;

jealous, jealousy;

kneel, knowledge, later, legitimate, length, library, lightning, license, licensee, liveliness, libertine, loneliness, lose, loose, luxurious;

magnificent, maintain, maintenance, manageable, management, manufacture, marriage, married, masculine, mesmerizing, millennium, millionaire, misspell, miscellaneous, mischievous, mortgage, muscle, mysterious;

necessary, neighbor/neighbour, necromancy, noticeable;

obedient, obstacle, occasional, occurred, opinion, opportunity, opposition, oppressed, ordinary, originally;

performance, perimeter, permanent, personnel, physical, physician, piece, palatable, pleasant, possession, possibility, potatoes, precedence, practically, prefer, privilege, profession, professional, pronounce/pronunciation, psychology, psychological, pusillanimouspapyrus, parliament, particular, patches, peculiar, perceive, perseverance,

questionnaire, queue, quizzes,

realistic, receipt, receive, recession, recognize, recommend, relevant, religious, remember, representative, repercussion, restaurant, rhythm, ridiculous,

sacrifice, safety, scared, scenery, schedule, secretary, sentence, separate, separation, serene, similar, sincerely, sovereignty, squander, sterilization, strength, strengthen, substantiate, subterfuge, superficial, superior, supersede, susceptible, suspicious, success, successful,

technical, technique, temperature, temporary, terrify, themselves, tremendous, tsunami,

unceremonious, undoubtedly, unforgettable, unique, unparalleled, until,

valuable, village, violence, violent, vision, voluntary, volume, weather, wednesday, weird, whether, worthwhile, width, writing, yacht.

20 Most critical spelling

playwright, handkerchief, pharaoh, liaison, convalesce, ecstasy, caribbean, maintenance, arctic, recommend, deductible, bureau, camaraderie, conscientious, odyssey, fluorescent, scissors, guarantee, jewelry, ketchup

From the book “A very essential list of Vocabulary”