বিসিএস মডেল টেস্ট: বিষয় ইংরেজি সাহিত্য

1৩৫ তম বিসিএস প্রিলিমিনিারি পরীক্ষা থেকে ইংরেজি সাহিত্যে ১৫ মার্কস রাখা হয়েছে। যেহেতু ইংরেজি সাহিত্যে স্বাভাবিকভাবে সবার পড়াশুনা কম থাকে তাই বিষয়টি চ্যালেঞ্জিং হয়েছে। তবে আশার কথা হচ্ছে এক্ষেত্রে কমন বিষয়গুলো থেকেই প্রশ্ন পরীক্ষায় আসে। তাই কিছু জিনিস পড়া থাকলে ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের পনেরো মার্কস পাওয়া কঠিন নয়।

  1. 1. Who wrote “The Hound of the Baskervilles?”
    a. Agatha Christie                   b. H Ryder-Haggard
    c. P D James                            d. Arthur Conan Doyle
    2. Wlliam Shakespeare is not the author of:
    a.Titus Andronicus                 b.Taming of the Shrew
    c.White Devil                           d. Hamlet
    3. Which of the following writers wrote historical novels?
    a. Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte
    b. Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth
    c.William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    d.Mary Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley
    4. Which of the following is not a work of John Keats?
    a. Endymion                            b.To some ladies
    c.To hope                                d. None of above
    5. Which of the following is not a Shakespeare tragedy?
    a. Titus Andronicus                 b. Othello
    c. Macbeth                               d. None of the above
    6. Which represents an example of alliteration?
    a) Language Arts          b) Peter Piper Picked Peppers
    c) I like music.                         d) A beautiful scenery with music
    7. What is the imitation of natural sounds in word form?
    a) Personification                     b) Hyperboles
    c) Alliteration                           d) Onomatopoeia
    8. Which is not a poetry form?
    a) epic              b) tale                          c) ballad                       d) sonnet
    9. Who has defined ‘poetry’ as a fundamental creative act using languages?
    a. H. W. Longfellow                b. Ralph Waldo Emerson
    c. Dylan Thomas                     d. William Wordsworth
    10. Who wrote following lines:
    “…….. I am involved in mankind: and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”
    a) John Donne                                     b) John Milton
    c) Earnest Hemingway                         d) D.H. Lawrence
    11. “On his blindness”, a collection of sonnets is written by:
    a) Edmund Spenser                  b) John Milton
    c) Shakespearem                      d) Sir Philip Sidney
    12. Which of the following are King Lear’s daughters?
    a) Desdemona, Goneril and Cordelia
    b) Goneril, Ophelia and Regan
    c) Goneril, Regan and Cordelia
    d) Regan, Cordelia and Beatrice
    13. Which of the following novels has the sub-title ‘A Novel Without a Hero’?
    (A) Vanity Fair                                       (B) Middlemarch
    (C) Wuthering Heights                         (D) Oliver Twist
    14. The theme of Tennyson’s Poem ‘The Princess’ is?
    (A) Queen Victoria’s coronation
    (B) Industrial Revolution
    (C) Women’s Education and Rights
    (D) Rise of Democracy
    15. S. T. Coleridge was an Associate of?

(A) The Royal Society of Edinburgh

(B) The Royal Society ofLondon

(C) Royal Society of Arts

(D) Royal Society of Literature


Answer :