
New Seven Wonders of the World

Colosseum, Rome, Italy

In ancient time, about 2,000 years ago the Greek selected seven wonders among the man-made wonders of the world. After few hundred years an another seven-wonder-list was published. Finally in 2007, the new name of seven wonders has been declared from the Benefice stadium of Lisbon, the capital of Portugal.  Those are-

  1. The Great Wall of China (China)
  2. The Chechen Itza Pyramid (Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico)
  3. The Petra (Jordan)
  4. The Taj Mahal (Agra, India)
  5. Christ the Redeemer Statue (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  6. The Colosseum (Rome, Italy)
  7. The Machu Picchu (Cuzco Region, Peru)

Article from Bangladesh

The Great Wall

The Great Wall of China is not the result of the work of any particular one king. It is the large role of the then dynasty. It took more than 2,000 years to build up the Great Wall. The kings of China built it to defend themselves. The length of this wall is 8,851.8 kilometers. The width of the bottom and top of the wall is 21.3 feet and 19 feet consecutively. Nine horsemen in a row can ride their horse together on the wall. It is called that nearly 6 lac workmen worked day and night from 206 to 220 BC to build the Great Wall.

Chichen Itza Mexico

The Chechen Itza Pyramid

The Maya civilizations and city was constructed with  Maya and Taltek art in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico roughly in 500. Itza Pyramid is founded upon a solid platform. There are 364 stairs set 91 at every side of four sides. If the stairs counted together with the platform, it comprises 365 number of stairs which is comparable with the 365 days of a year. There are different kinds of small and big temple. In addition, there are some beautiful temple for the memory of brave warriors of different time.

The Petra

Petra is an archaeological site. It is a city situated in the canyon of Arabia Mountain, 200 kilometers away from Amman, the capital of Jordan. It is an ancient luxurious city of Jordan. It was the capital of Nabataeans People. Nabataeans were the human of Semitic People. They built the city Petra by engraving into the hill. There are many beautiful monuments and temples made of rock. The architectural beauty if this city wonderfully impressed the Roman People. First, it was occupied by the nomadic people of Arab, then slowly it was occupied by Roman People. As Roman says, the structure of the city was built in the first century. With time the area was the business hub of spice, silk and the other attractive goods.

Taj Mahal India

The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal of Agra, India is an immortal work. The Mughal Emperor Shahjahan built it to the south-west of the river Jamuna. The emperor built the monument to show love towards his wife Arjumand Banu (Mumtaj Mahal). The construction work of the tombstone was started in 1631 and ended in 1654. It took 22 years of 20 thousands skilled worker to build it. One thousand elephant was used to carry the building materials of this memorial. The special feature of Taj Mahal is the colour of it changes with change of the Sun-light. Five crore rupee was needed to build the Taj Mahal.

Cristo Redentor Brazil

The Statue of Christ (Christ the Redeemer Statue)

The Statue of Christ is a colossal sculpture of Jesus. It is situated in the Corcovado Heights of Brazil. This sculpture is a representation of Brazil. It is situated in the 710 metre high of the Heights. It was formally inaugurated in 1932. There is an arrangement of road and rail communication to reach in the statue. Five years was needed to construct it.

Colosseum, Rome, Italy

The Colosseum

The another name of the stadium, built for the recreation of Roman Emperor is Colosseum. It was constructed in Rome in 80. Its length is 188 meters and width is 156 meters. It has 80 outdoors. The boundary length of the stadium is 527 meters which can carry 70 thousands spectators.  As per the remark of some critic, it was built by the capital looted from the Great Temple of Jerusalem. In ancient time, the animal fight, the brutal death punishment of convicts and the other torture shows was exposed in this stadium.

Machu Picchu Peru

The Machu Picchu

The Machu Picchu is situated in 7,970 feet high in the Andes Mountains in Peru . It was built in 1450 in the golden time of Inca Civilization. Machu Picchu is now a protected area. The area is decorated with 140 structures.  There are one thousand stairs around it. Its aesthetic beauty always attracts the visitors.

Dibbendu Dwip