
River Research Institute Jobs Circular 2015 in Bangladesh

Quick look to River Research Institute Job Circular
1) Post Name : Higher Class Scientific Officer
Total Post: 02
Salary Scale: 18500-29700 BDT
Requirements: The applicant must have PHD in River Engineering/ Hydrology/ Environment Engineering along with 3 years work experience. MS or M.PHIL degree with 5 years experience will also considerable. In addition, the applicant need to have writings in related field published in any renowned journal.

2) Post Name: Scientific Officer
Total Post: 14
Salary Scale: 11000-20370 BDT
Requirements: The applicant must have graduation in Electrical Engineering/ Agricultural Engineering/ Hydrology. In addition, post graduation with at least 2nd class graduation in Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics or Soil Science will aslo be counted as desireable qualifications.

3) Post Name: Assistant Programmer
Total Post: 01
Salary Scale: 11000-20370 BDT
Requirements: The applicant should have Masters Degree in Computer Science or any other subject. The candidate must be passed in Standard exam of Programming.

4) Post Name: Electronic Mechanic
Total Post: 01
Salary Scale: 8000-16450 BDT
Requirements: The applicant must have diploma degree in Electronic Engineering. 3years experience and pass in Standard Aptitude test is must.

5) Post Name: Word Processor Operator/ Computer Operator
Total Post: 01
Salary Scale: 5500-12095 BDT
Requirements: Graduation preferably in Science will be considerable. The applicant must have 2 years experience in Data Entry and pass in Standard test.

6) Post Name: Laboratory Technician
Total Post: 02
Salary Scale: 4700-9745 BDT
Requirements: HSC or equivalent Certificate from any board

7) Post Name: Laboratory Waiter
Total Post: 01
Salary Scale: 4100-7740 BDT
Requirements: Applicant must be Class 8 Pass

8) Post Name: Helper
Total Post: 01
Salary Scale: 4700-9745 BDT
Requirements: Applicant must be Class 8 Pass

Age Limit: 18 to 30 for general people. Can be up to 32 for freedom fighter’s son or daughter and physically challenged people.
Application Fee: 500 taka for post 1 to 3; 400 taka for psot 4, 300 for post 5 and 6, 200 for post 7 and 8. Fee needs to be submitted by Pay Order or Draft from any Sonali Bank Branch to Faridpur branch of the same bank.

How to Apply For River Research Institute Jobs Circular 2015 ?
The applicant need to download the application form from www.rri.gov.bd or collect it from Bangladesh River Research Institute. Attested photographs (3 copies) and academic papers need to be submitted with the application. In addition attested copy of national ID card also needs to be submitted. The applicant with freedom fighter background should submit the certificate as well. The applicant has to face written and oral exam. No allowance will be provided for this. The address to submit the application has been given below:
River Research Institute, Harukandi, Faridpur

Application Deadline: 15 April, 2015River-Research-Institute-Jo