বিসিএস ইংরেজি সাহিত্য: এমসিকিউ প্রশ্ন (পঞ্চম এবং শেষ পর্ব)

Lamia English Literature

চাকরি পরীক্ষায় ইংরেজি সাহিত্য থেকে যেসব প্রশ্ন পরীক্ষায় এসেছে তেমন কিছু প্রশ্ন নিয়ে পূর্বে চারটি পর্ব সাজানো হয়েছিল। এটি পঞ্চম পর্ব, এখানেও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু প্রশ্ন রয়েছে, যে প্রশ্নগুলি বিভিন্ন সময়ে বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষায় এসেছে। চেষ্টা করা হয়েছে সঠিক উত্তর দিতে, যাতে ভুল তথ্য কারো শেখা না হয়ে যায়।

01. ‘The Canterbury Tales’ are told by ––

      a. Geoffrey Chaucer      B. John Wycliffe

C. Boccaccio                D. Thomas Barth

02. Who was an Irish dramatist?

A. Henrik Ibsen             b. George Bernard Shaw

C. John Osborne           D. Eugene O’ Neill

03. Who is the modern Philosopher who was awarded Nobel Prize for literature?

A. James baker              B. Dr. Kissinger

c. Bertrand Russel         D. Lenin

04. ‘The waste Land’ is ––

A. a drama     b. a poem        C. a novel         D. an essay

05. The political leader who obtained Nobel Prize in English literature?

A. Gorbachev                b. Winston Churchill

C. Bertrand Russel        D. Khrushchev

06. What is the full name of O’ Henry?

A. Walt Whitman          b. William Sydney Porter

C. M. K. Rawlings        D. O’Neil

07. ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ was written by the author of

A. A Passage to India    B. Lord Jim

c. Rainbow                   D. Ulysses

08. Who wrote Prometheus Unbound?

A. Coleridge       B. Keats     C. Byron            d. Aeschylus

09. Dr. Zivago বইটি কার লেখা?

a. Boris Pasternak         B. Leo Tolstoy

C. Rabindranath Tagore  D. Dante

10. The author of Road of Freedom’ is ––.

a. Bertrand Russell        B. John Keats

C. G. B. Shaw               D. Goldsmith

11. Who wrote ‘The Wast Land’?

A. W. B. Yeats              B. Robert Frost

C. W. H. Auden            d. T. S. Eliot

12. What king of Literary work is ‘The Luncheon’ by Somerset Maugham?

A. a Novel                     b. A Short story

C. A poem                    D. A scientific article

13. ‘Phoenix’ is––

a. a mythological bird

B. a kind of eagle

C. a god of Greek mythology

D. a leopard

14. “Full many a flower is born to blush unseen. And waste its sweetness on the desert air”–– উক্তিটি কোন কবির কবিতা থেকে নেয়া হয়েছে?

A. P. B. Shelly               B. William Wordsworth

c. Thomas Gray            D. John Keats

15. A sonnet is a poem of ……….. lines.

A. ten                            B. twelve

C. twenty                      d. fourteen

16. Who wrote the book ‘Lord Jim’ A Tale?

a. Joseph Conrad          B. Oscar Wilde

C. Thomas Hardy         D. Rudyard Kipling

17. Emily Bronte is a––

A. poet                          B. critic

c. novelist                     D. scientist

18. Which one of the following is the first long poem in English?

A. The Wanderer           b. Beowulf

C. The Seafarer             D. Dream of the Road

19. George Eliot কোন সময়ের ঔপন্যাসিক ছিলেন?

a. 17th century               B. 18th century

C. 19th century              D. 20th century

20. ‘Lady Chatterley’s lover’ is a novel written by ––

A. William Somerset Maugham

B. Thomas Hardy

C. Charles Dickens

d. D. H. Lawrence

21. ‘Time, you old Gypsy Man’ কবিতাটি কার লেখা?

a. Ralph Dodgson         B. Laurence Bunion

C. W. B. Yeats              D. Robert Frost

22. Christopher Marlowe is Shakespeare’s

A. Successor                 B. Predecessor

c. Contemporary           D. Mentor

23. Who translated the Bible into English for the first time

A. Nicolas Udall          B. Thomas Norton

c. John Wycliffe             D. Edmund Spenser

24. ‘Melodrama’ is a kind of play of ––

A. historical themes       b. violent and sensational themes

C. pathetic themes        D. philosophical themes

25. Someone who writes plays is called a –

A. play writer                B. dramatizer

c. playwright                   D. play-write

26. Who wrote ‘The odyssey and the Iliad’?

A. Milton                       b. Homer

C. Virgil                        D. Hoffman

27. Charles Dickens is a great ––

A. poet                          B. critic

C. playwright                d. novelist

28. ‘Ten thousand saw at a glance

      Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.’

      What is the poet William Wordsworth referring to?

A. birds                         b. daffodils

C. leaves                       D. bees

29. ‘Paradise Lost’ was written by––

A. Shakespeare             b. John Milton

C. St Coleridge              D. Keats

30. Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’ is a–

A. comedy                    B. satire

c. tragedy                      D .historical play

উত্তর স্মল লেটারে সণাক্ত করা। লামিয়া ইংরেজি সাহিত্য