BCS English Literature : Important Questions from Elizabethan Period

  1. The romantic age in English literature began with the publication of

A Preface to Lyrical Ballads      B Preface to Shakespeare

C Preface to Ancient Marriner D Preface to Dr. Johnson

  1. Which of the following periodical publications (remains and magazines) appeared in the Romantic

A London Magazine +            B The Spectator +

C The Edinburgh Review        D The Tattler

  1. Which of the following is a typically Romantic poetic form?

A the fractal             B the figment

C the fragment +                   D the cubade

  1. Who in the Romantic period developed a new novelistic language for the workings of the mind in flux?

A Maria Edge worth                B Sir Walter Scott

C Joanna Baillie                    D Jan Austen +

  1. The Romantic Age in English literatere are began with the publication of ¾

A Preface  to Shakespeare       B Preface to lyrical Ballads +

C Preface to ancient Mariners D Preface to Dr. Johnson

  1. Who is known as ‘the poet of nature’ is English literature?

A Lord Tennyson                   B John Mlton

C William words worth +         D John Keats

  1. ‘The solitary Reaper’ written by W. Wordsworth is a ¾

A heroic poem                       B romantic poem +

C Classical poem                   D didactic poem

  1. Wordsworth is a ¾ poet.

A classical                         B modern

C romantic +                        D Greek

  1. “Ten thousands saw I at a glance” ¾ who said this?

A Shakespeare                      B Coleridge

C Keats                               D Wordsworth +

  1. Who is called the ‘Poet of childhood’?

A William Blake                           B William Shakespeare

C William Caxton                        D William Wordsworth +

  1. Who wrote the ‘ Lyrical Ballads’?

A William Blake and William Wordsworth

B William Shakespeare and William Blake

C William words worth and S.T. Coleridge +

D George tlerbert and Robert tlerrick

  1. ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ is a ¾

A play                                 B short story

C novel                                D poem +

  1. The literary work ‘kubla khan’ is a ¾

A a history by Vincent smith

B a verse by Coleridge +

C a drama by Oscar wilde

D a short story by Somerset Maugham

  1. Who is called the ‘ father of both the regional and historical novel?

A Walter Scott +                    B Henry Fielding

C Daniel Defoe                     D Samuel Richard an

  1. ‘Ivanhoe’ is a novel written by ¾

A Robert Browning                B W. Wordsworth

C Walter Scott +                    D P.B. Shelley

  1. Who is called the poet of beauty?

A William Wordsworth                B P.B. Shelly

C John Keats +                             D W. Shakespeare

  1. Keats belonged to ¾

A 18th century +                   B 19th century

C 20th century                      D 17th century

  1. Who wrote ” beauty is truth, truth is beauty”?

A Shakespeare                      B Wordsworth

C Keats +                                      D Eliot

  1. ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ and ‘ode to a Nightingale’ is written by ¾

A Wordsworth                       B Shelley

C Shakespeare                      D Keats +

  1. Jane Austen was a ¾

A male novelist                      B female novelist +

C young novelist                   D blind novelist

  1. ‘Sandi tone’ is an incomplete novel written by ¾

A Charles Dickens                  B Jane Austen +

C Thomas Hardy                  D George Eliot

  1. ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is a famous novel written by ¾

A John Keats                         B Jane Austen +

C S.T Coleridge                     D Shelley

  1. Who is the poet of sensuousness ¾

A John Keats                         B W. Wordsworth

C S.T. Coleridge                    D P. B. Shelley

  1. Most important feature of a romantic poetry is ¾

A Beauty                                B Nature            

       C Subjectivity             D Imagination

  1. Wordworth was inspired by ¾

A The French Revolution

B The Russian Revolution

C The Industrial Revolution

D  The American Revolution

  1. Who is considerd to be the rebel poet in English Literature?

A John Keats                         B Lord Byron

C Walter Scott                       D John ustin

From the Book of “Preliminary English Literature”

Preliminary English Literature