
Tonmoy A Proud and An Inspiration of Bagerhat


The name ‘Tonmoy’ means

     The Sweet-heart in English

A kind-hearted and poetic name

     A blessing of Allah-has fulfilled our wish.

We have been thundered

     That a boy of yesterday

The Proud son of SK Helal and Rupa

     Is in the mouth from child to old of to-day.

The arrival of Tonmoy

     In the soil of Bagerhat

Has made us proud & taken Bagerhat

     As his home-in thought.

A talent, modest and polite boy

     Rare to be found

Tonmoy has united-all of us

     Really-we are proud.

A rare tall boy of charming personality

     Irrespective of caste and creed

Who may be compared with the piper of Hamilion

     Has stood by our side.

We have been united with-all our might

     Has promised to give our vote

Creating a new history in Bangladesh

Prof. Dr. Md. Altaf Hossain আলতাফ হোসেন


Writer and Poet